
360 Wellness: Your Souls Passport to Inner Peace

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Discover your best self in this holistic event series. Elevate mind, body and spirit through wellness, personal growth, and spiritual exploration. Join the Journey!

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Organizador de 360 Wellness: Your Souls Passport to Inner Peace
At the age of 14, my classmates voted me “most likely to be stepped on.”Since then, I’ve made a dramatic shift from crippling low self-esteem to personal empowerment… but it was a long and bumpy road. I’ve been to several personal hells and back, including struggling with addiction and self-destructive behaviour. I was stifled by my own self-limiting beliefs, my tendency to get caught up in fear and ego, and my disconnect from the universe. I didn’t believe that I deserved better.Everyone’s healing journey looks different. For me, it involved becoming a collector of experiences and travelling the world. I have lived in nine countries, launched three successful businesses, and spent 20 years exploring every corner of spirituality. I know what it’s like to look like someone who is living the dream, while still struggling on the inside.My eureka moment was when I finally came to accept my internal struggles as opportunities for growth. I learned how to get comfortable with uncertainty and to trust in the strength of my relationship with the universe. It was only then that I was able to create a fulfilling life for myself. It took a lot of deep personal work, conscious spiritual connection and an active pursuit of my dreams and heart’s desires.I want to help you do the same.I wish I could go back and tell my younger self that I didn’t have to live in pain. The best I can do is show you that there is a lighter, more joyful and happier way. I believe everyone is a work in progress, including myself. I continue to do inner work so that I can show up as my best self for you. This is now a way of life for me… it’s not just a job.It’s time to let go of the self-limiting patterns of your past. Universal love is the key.