
Startup253 Events

Our startup events in the South Sound

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Veja o que você pode ter perdido

  • Imagem principal do evento Starting a Startup and From Nothing to Funding Startup253/WTIA

    Starting a Startup and From Nothing to Funding Startup253/WTIA

    Thu, May 23, 2:00 PM


  • Imagem principal do evento Happy Hour for Tacoma Startups and Entrepreneurs

    Happy Hour for Tacoma Startups and Entrepreneurs

    Thu, Feb 29, 4:00 PM


  • Imagem principal do evento Coffee with Co-Founders @ Lux Coffee

    Coffee with Co-Founders @ Lux Coffee

    Thu, Feb 8, 9:00 AM



Organizador de Startup253 Events
At Startup253, we are working to unite the entrepreneurial ecosystem here in Tacoma. Our events include networking, happy hours, speakers, masterminds, panelists and more! Come connect with other entrepreneurs building awesome companies here in our city!